Jupiter Retro In Aries: These Zodiacs Must Beware!

AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. Jupiter becomes Retrograde in the sign of Aries, on 4th September, 2023 at 16:58 hrs. Let’s find out what impacts Jupiter Retro In Aries will have on these five zodiac signs.

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Jupiter is the biggest and one of the most important planets in our solar system. Likewise, in vedic astrology too it is considered above all other planets and is given utmost importance. It is natural benefic and has the lordship of Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter is the natural significator of knowledge, wisdom, expansion, spirituality, education, children, husband (In a woman’s chart), wealth, religion, spiritual progress, teacher, mentor or guru. Jupiter if placed in the 6th house can sometimes lead to obesity if other planets support too. Jupiter is now becoming retrograde in the zodiac sign of Aries, ruled by Mars.

Aries is said to be the 1st house of the Kalpurush kundli and as we all know, it is ruled by Mars. It’s a fiery sign, masculine in nature, and the energy is individualistic, daring, and brave. It depicts the face and new beginnings. And it is a friendly and beneficial sign for Jupiter because Mars and Jupiter are friends. So, this retrogation of Jupiter in Aries will prove impactful for most of the people as they will be able to complete their moral and religious duties and be ready for the changes that are set to come in their life. Moreover, we need not forget that Jupiter is currently in conjunction with Rahu forming Guru Chandal yoga in Aries. 

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Jupiter Retrograde In Aries: These Zodiac Signs Will Be Negatively Impacted


Dear Aries natives, Jupiter rules your 9th and 12th house and now it becomes retrograde in the 1st house. Jupiter will now aspect the 5th house, 7th house and the 9th house. Jupiter retrograde in the 1st house can bring confusion. You may doubt your decision. But it will also make you look after your health and well being. During this period of Jupiter retrogression then you might face issues and conflict with your father. 

Your luck may not favor you much during this time of retrogression. Also, if he was suffering from some health issue which was cured, you need to be conscious as that problem can recur during Jupiter retrograde in Aries. Your expenditure during this period may rise as Jupiter is also the 12th house lord. Medical issues may come up for you or someone in the family and your medical expenses may rise. But you have to keep in mind that this event is giving you a chance to fulfill your responsibility towards your father, guru, religion. 


Jupiter has the lordship of the 8th house and the 11th house for Taurus natives and now Jupiter retrograde in Aries is taking place in your 12th house. From this position Jupiter will aspect the 4th house, 6th house and the 8th house.  Now this period will not be very favorable for you as Jupiter is not a functional benefic for your ascendant and to top it Jupiter is moving in retrograde motion in the 12th house. So this phenomenon can give you health issues like diabetes or hormonal problems, especially to women. 

In males it could affect the liver and other areas of the digestive system. These medical issues will force you to restructure your diet and health regimes. It can also make you rethink your financial decisions and investment you have made in the past and also about your materialistic desires. In this period of Jupiter retrograde in Aries you will also have a check on your social circle and professional networking. You will have a better understanding of your true well-wishers and enemies. This time is also important for looking at the mistakes you are making in your domestic life. 

Also Read: September Horoscope


Jupiter has the lordship of the 6th and 9th house of Cancer natives and now it becomes retrograde in your 10th house. Jupiter aspects your 2nd house of earning, 4th house of mother and luxury and the 6th house of diseases, debt and enemies. Jupiter retrograde in Aries can bring professional changes in your life. If you were willing to change your workplace or job or even professional field, this is the time when you should consider these points. 

Also, there could be an unwanted transfer during this period if the other conjunctions support this scenario. This period may create troubles and instability in your professional life and will force you to think about the changes. You may also face some issues and conflict with your father. Also, some old illness or health issue can resurface for your father. So, you need to be conscious as this could be a concern for you.


Jupiter rules the 5th and 8th house for Leo natives and now it’s turning retrograde in their 9th house of father, guru, mentor, or religion. Jupiter aspects the 1st house, 3rd house and the 5th house from here. Jupiter becomes retrograde in Aries and this position of Jupiter is giving you a chance to fulfill your responsibility towards your father, guru, religion. Suppose you made a wish and asked a particular god to fulfill it, if it has been granted then it is now your turn to fulfill your religious duties. 

Individuals who may be suffering from any health issues and may encounter difficulties or delays in short or long distance travel. On the other hand, If you are in a relationship and not serious about it or taking it for fun, then you’re sure to face problems in your love life. However, the natives who are serious can start thinking to move their relationship further towards marriage.

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Dear Sagittarius natives, Jupiter is your 1st house lord and the 4th house lord and now with its becoming retrograde in your 5th house. Jupiter aspects the 1st house, 11th house and the 9th house from this position. So Jupiter retrograde in Aries will make you pay attention towards your health and wellbeing else ignorance of health can lead to weight gains and diseases like fatty liver, diabetes. 

You are also advised to be conscious of your mother’s health and avoid conflicts and arguments with her and understand & be mindful of your responsibilities towards her. This Jupiter retrograde in Aries time is also important for looking at the mistakes you are making in your personal life. Also, the Sagittarius natives who are trying to extend their family and have children but are facing obstacles or medical issues, this is the time when you will be able to understand the problem and overcome that. 

Jupiter Retrograde In Aries: Impactful Remedies

  • Chant the Beej Mantra of Jupiter 108 times daily.
  • Worship lord Vishnu and offer yellow sweets to him.
  • Wear the color yellow often and wear a yellow sapphire stone based on Jupiter’s placement in your horoscope.
  • Keep fast on Thursdays.
  • Install and worship the Jupiter Yantra.

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