June 2021: How The Month Will Fare For You!

At the beginning of every month, our mind grapples with questions about how the month is going to stand for all of us. As we all know that there is a Corona Pandemic and most of the people have been confined to their houses. In such a condition, it is evident that people seek answers to their questions in the context of family, health, career, etc. In this monthly overview blog, you will not only get zodiac-wise prediction but also have information about fasts, festivals, transits, eclipses, etc taking place during this month. 

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Special Qualities of those Born in the Month of June

  • In the context of astrology, people born during this month are short-tempered and aggressive. Generally, they are diplomatic in nature. They have appetite for different dishes and are spendthrift. Although they appear simple and patient, they have a good sense of humour and love to enjoy gossiping and joking. They win over the heart of the people easily. They do not like dictates from others and love to work independently. Although they move in society freely, they seldom accept their shortcomings.
  • Lucky Numbers for June Born People: 3, 5, 6
  • Lucky Colour for June Born People: Emerald, Turquoise, Light Cream
  • Lucky Days for June Born People: Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
  • Lucky Gemstone for June Born People: Emerald and Green Aventure
  • Suggestion/Remedy: Plant basil tree and offer water to it everyday.

Information Pertaining to Fasts/Festivals of June Month

June 06, 2021, i.e. Sunday

Apara Ekadashi: This Ekadashi falls during the Krishna Paksha in Jyestha month. On this very day,  Lord Trivikram, as well as Lord Vishnu, should also be worshipped with Tulsi, Chandan or sandalwood, camphor, and Gangajal.

June 07, 2021, i.e. Monday

Pradosh Vrat (S): Soma Pradosh Vrat is considered to be highly fruitful. It is believed that one who worships Lord Shiva and Mata Parvati with pure intention and true devotion gets success in all walks of life. 

June 08, 2021, i.e. Tuesday

Masik Shivaratri: It has been said about Shivratri and Mahashivratri that the one who worships Mahadev on these days and observes fasts dutifully, gets rid of all kinds of

June 10, 2021, i.e. Thursday

Jyeshtha Amavasya: On this day, most of the people perform Pind Daan (Tarpan) and observe fast for the peace of soul of their ancestors. Besides this, the significance of this day enhances manifold as Shani Jayanti is also celebrated on this very day. 

June 15, 2021, i.e. Tuesday

Mithuna Sankranti: On this day, the Sun transits in Gemini from the Taurus zodiac sign. As per astrology, the change of the Sun’s position is considered to be extremely important. Mithun Sankranti is celebrated with great pomp and show in Odisha where the festival is known as Raja Parba.

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June 21, 2021, i.e. Monday

Nirjala Ekadashi: This is considered to be one of the most important fasts of the year 2021. It falls during the Shukla Paksha of Jyestha month. This fast is observed without consuming water and having food.   

June 22, 2021, i.e. Tuesday

Bhauma Pradosh Vrat (S):
Pradosh Vrat is observed to attain the blessings of Lord Shiva. Since the fast falls on Tuesday, its significance enhances manifold. It is believed that one who observes this fast gets rid of the malefic effects of Mars and gets meaningful benefits from property transactions.   

June 24, 2021, i.e. Thursday

Jyeshtha Purnima Vrat: It is believed that this fast washes away all kinds of pasts sins. It is also important for getting the blessings of forefathers. On this day, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu should be worshipped with due rituals.

June 27, 2021, i.e. Sunday

Sankashti Chaturthi: Sankashti Chaturthi means to get rid of pain and other problems in life.  The tradition of venerating Lord Ganesha, who is known by the names of Vighnaharta and Mangalakarta, has been observed on the day of Sankashti Chaturthi.

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Transits of June Month

This month, 5 major transits are going to take place.

  • June 02, 2021, Mars Transit in Cancer: Mars, the benefactor of property, land, electronic gadgets, etc., is going to transit on June 02, 2021, at 06:39 AM in Cancer and will reside in the same zodiac sign till July 20, 2021, upto 05:30 PM. After this, it will enter the Leo zodiac sign.
  • June 03, 2021, Mercury Transit in Taurus: Mercury, the benefactor of intellect, communication, management, etc., is going to transit in Taurus in retrograde position on June 03, 2021, at 03:46 AM and will remain positioned in the same zodiac sign till July 07, 2021, upto 10:59 AM. After this, the planet will enter Gemini.
  • June 15, 2021, Sun Transit in Gemini: The Sun will transit in Gemini on June 15, 2021, at 05:49 AM and will reside in the same zodiac sign till July 16, 2021, upto 04:41 PM. After this, it will move into the Cancer zodiac sign.
  • June 20, 2021, Jupiter Retrograde in Aquarius: Jupiter will retrograde in Aquarius on June 20, 2021, and will remain positioned in the same zodiac sign till September 14, 2021. After this, it will move into the sign of Capricorn.
  • June 22, 2021, Venus Transit In Cancer: The planet Venus will transit on June 22, 2021, at 2:07 PM and will stay in the same zodiac sign till July 17, 2021, upto 09:13 AM. After this, it will enter the Leo zodiac sign.

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Eclipse of the Month

This week, the first Solar Eclipse of this year is going to occur on June 10. This eclipse will commence from 13:42 and last till 18:41. It will be partially visible in the Northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia while completely visible in North Canada, Greenland, and Russia. The eclipse will not appear in India and hence, no effect will be observed.  

Some Important Predictions of this Month 

  • Aries: The month is likely to be favourable on a professional front and your hard work will pay you off. There is a strong possibility of getting good benefits from various government projects. You may make some important decisions to expand your business activities. The month may give good results to the students and to those who are preparing for competitive exams. Besides this, there are chances of ups and downs in some of the aspects of life. Healthwise, you are advised to be careful as you may suffer from mouth and eye ailments.  
  • Taurus: The month is going to be average for the natives bearing the Taurus zodiac sign. The period is likely to be highly favourable from a career point of view and you may be benefitted from your past experiences. There are chances of getting promotions. Those who are associated with the business may face ups and downs. You are advised to have control over your language and utter words carefully. Besides this, you should avoid engaging in arguments with your partner as it may lead to having a negative impact on your relationship. Last but not least, you are advised to be careful while driving.
  • Gemini: This month, there is a strong possibility of getting mixed results. The timings are likely to be highly favourable from a career point of view and there are chances of getting promotions or increments. The period may be extremely profitable for businessmen and they are likely to go on short trips to expand their business. Besides this, there can be challenges in your family. There are strong possibilities of favouarble results for students. The month is likely to be fruitful for love and married life. As regards health, you may suffer from eye and skin ailments.  
  • Cancer: The month may not favour fairly to the natives of the Cancer zodiac sign. You may have strained relations with your seniors at your workplace. The beginning of the month will be profitable for businessmen and they may have to strive very hard to keep it up. The students may not fare well in their exams and are advised to put in their best efforts in their studies. Differences may crop up in the family and this may create a tense situation in the family atmosphere. There can be misunderstandings in your love and married life and this may spoil your relations. In the context of health, you are suggested to drive carefully. Apart from this, if there is a health problem, you must consult a doctor immediately. 
  • Leo: This month, the natives of this sign will get average results in all walks of life. There can be challenges in your professional life in the first half of the month and therefore, you are advised to focus on your work as much as possible while the second half is likely to be favourable. During this period, there is a strong possibility of travelling abroad to expand your business. The timings are likely to be favourable for students, including those preparing for competitive exams and striving for higher education. As far as love life is concerned, there will be romance as well as warmth in the relationship while married life will be blissful. Healthwise, you have to be careful as problems relating to eye, blood, sleep, etc. may bother you. 

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  • Virgo: The month is going to be positively better for the natives holding the Virgo zodiac sign. You will have congenial relations with your seniors at your workplace while those engaged in business are likely to be highly benefitted but differences can surge with the business partners. The period is likely to give average results to the students appearing for competitive exams. The timings are going to be fruitful on family front. There are possibilities that your love life may remain full of ups and downs during this month but your married life will remain stable. Although you may not have any health-related problems, you are suggested to remain careful about your diet and exercise regularly.  
  • Libra: People with this zodiac sign are likely to get good results in professional life and there are chances of transfer and change of job in their favour. There is a possibility that those engaged in business may reap good profits. In the context of education, the students will have the opportunity to get admission to foreign institutions but at the same time, they may face challenges in their competitive exams. Apart from this, the love life of the natives is likely to strengthen and loyalty will play an important role in their relationship. There can be some differences in your married life but on the whole, it will remain healthy and peaceful. Besides everything, you are advised to remain alive to your health aspect and also your moments on the road. 
  • Scorpio: This month is going to be average for the natives with the Scorpio zodiac sign. If you are in service, you are likely to be promoted but your opponents can conspire to let you down, so you have to remain careful. At the beginning of the month, business is likely to be affected due to the confusion with the partner but the later part of the month may give good results. Those concerned with education have to work hard to gain success. On the family front, peace and pleasure will be encouraging and minor differences if at all, will not affect the strong bondage. During this period, you should remain cautious about your health and maintain your lifestyle properly.
  • Sagittarius: The natives are likely to get average results during this month. The period is going to be favourable on a professional front and you are likely to be promoted. The timings are good for those engaged in business and you will be successful in expanding your business and getting profits. Students desiring higher education need to focus more on their studies to achieve success. There will remain ups and downs in the family. Your love life is going to be pleasant and you will come close to each other. You may also tie the knot with your beloved. As far as married life is concerned, there will remain happy and couples will like to spend more time with each other. 
  • Capricorn: The month is going to give you mixed results in all aspects of life.  Circumstances are likely to be sometimes favourable and at times, unfavourable on a professional front. As far as your business is concerned, the timings are favourable and you will be able to expand your business through good relations. In the context of education, the period is not favourable and the students will have to put in best efforts in their studies. Your family situation will remain stable despite some misunderstandings. As far as love life is concerned, the month is going to bring some differences between a couple. If you are married, you may face problems concerning your spouse’s health. Healthwise, you are advised to be careful as problems related to stomach may cause problems.   
  • Aquarius: The month is going to remain average for the natives having Aquarius zodiac sign. You have to put in your best efforts in your professional life to achieve success as timings are not highly favorable. The period is in tune with success for students with zodiac sign. So far family life is concerned, tense atmosphere is likely to prevail in the family leading to misunderstandings among the family members. There will be a strong bond between the lovers and their understanding of each other will improve. In the context of married life, the month is going to be favourable and and there will be a better understanding with spouse. You are supposed to take care of your diet as the month is not going to favour you in maintaining good health.
  • Pisces: The natives will experience a very good time during this month. They are likely to gain much at their workplace as the relations with their seniors are going to be congenial. The period is going to bring success for businessmen. Although the timings are not favourable for the students those studying or planning to study abroad shall have desired results. There will remain a positive atmosphere in the family but you do have control over your language and behaviour. So far love affairs are concerned, the timings are not favourable but should manage your love relations wisely, otherwise, problems may occur. Your married life will be pleasant and your spouse will properly shoulder all the household responsibilities giving you chance to feel calm and happy. Healthwise, there may remain some minor problems but you will remain hale and hearty.  

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