These Roots Prevent Stress and Negativity, Know Their Astrological Importance

These days, stress has become a part of our life and we can’t even think of getting rid of it. Some are worried about health, economic woes while others are concerned about the jobs, future etc. During such uncertain times of tension and stress, this blog stands as a minimal effort on our part to get you out from such a situation. In this very connection, we are going to talk about roots which can be helpful in removing stress and negativity.

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In astrology, some roots have been equated with gems. These gems are related to planets and help in removing planetary defects. Their importance can not be undermined in the context of health. Besides this, these roots can prove to be a boon in giving peace and spreading positivity even in such a difficult and stressful phase of Coronavirus. If you desire to get more information on the same, then click here to talk to our renowned astrologers.

Let us now move ahead and know about some magical roots in detail whose mere possession will eradicate your troubles, sorrows, stresses, negativity and diseases. So without any further delay, let us get started. 

Jadi Calculator – Know Auspicious Jadi or Tree Root As Per Birth Chart

Bel Mool

Related Planet – Sun

Importance of Bel Mool

In astrology, the planet Sun is considered to be a benefactor of one’s soul. The possession of Bel Root helps in reducing the negative effects of the Sun and giving positive energy. Besides this,  it is also helpful in giving relief from heart disease, indigestion, tiredness etc.

Rituals to Follow:

  • Purify Bel mool with Ganga Jal.
  • Recite this mantra. oṃ hrāṃ hrīṃ hrauṃ saḥ sūryāya namaḥ / ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः
  • Now, wrap it in a piece of yellow cloth and tie on your hand.
  • This must be worn on a Sunday.

    Root of Bel Mool : Click on the Link to Get It! 

Khirni Ki Jad (Root)

Related Planet– Moon

Importance of Khirni Ki Jad

This root is useful in removing malefic effects of the Moon. The Moon is considered to be a factor of mind and soul. If your horoscope is affected by Moon, Rahu-Ketu, Saturn then you should have Khirni root. This root concentrates our mind.

Rituals to Follow

  • Purify the root with Gangajal.
  • Then, recite this mantra. “oṃ śrāṃ śrīṃ śrauṃ saḥ caṃdramase namaḥ:॥ / “ॐ श्रां श्रीं श्रौं सः चंद्रमसे नमः॥”
  • Wrap the root in white cloth and tie it in right hand
  • This should be done on a Monday.


Related planet – Mars

Importance of Anantmool

The root of Anantmool gives protection from the malefic effects of Mars. In astrology, Mars is a source of energy, courage and land. The root of Anantmool is very effective in eliminating the Mars’ malefic effects. Besides this, this root also cures physical diseases, such as skin diseases, liver diseases, constipation, etc.

Rituals to Follow

  • Purify this root with Gangajal on Tuesday.
  • Recite this mantra. “oṃ krāṃ krīṃ krauṃ saha bhomāya namaḥ” maṃtra kā jāpa kareṃ। / “ॐ क्रां क्रीं क्रौं सह भोमाय नमः” 
  • Wrap this root in a red cloth and tie it to your right hand. 

Arand Mool Root: Click on the Link to Get It! 

Vidhara Mool

Related planet – Wednesday

Importance of Vidhara Mool Root

According to Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury is a source of language, intelligence, wisdom etc. while its negative effects depict nervousness and anger. All negative aspects of Mercury are eradicated by possessing Vidhara root. According to Ayurveda, root of Vidhara Mool is also helpful in curing diseases like ulcer, acidity and blood pressure.

Rituals to Follow

  • It should be used on Wednesday.
  • Firstly, purify it with Gangajal
  • After this, recite  “oṃ brāṃ brīṃ brauṃ saḥ budhāya namaḥ॥” maṃtra kā jāpa kareṃ / ॐ ब्रां ब्रीं ब्रौं सः बुधाय नमः॥”
  • Wrap it in a piece of green cloth and tie to your right hand
  • During this, worship Maa Durga. 

Root of Vidhara Mool : Click on the Link to Get It! 

Varangi Root

Associated planet – Jupiter

Varangi Root: Significance

According to traditional Hindu astrology, the planet Jupiter is the significator of knowledge and good virtues. If one wears a Varangi root then traces of humanity, religiousness and spirituality get associated with one’s character. Varangi root is also quite effective to bring back peace and bliss to marital life and for attaining a progeny. Those students who lack concentration in their studies should definitely use it.

List of International Holidays 2020 & Observances 2020

Rituals to Follow

  • Varangi root should be worn on a Thursday.
  • Before wearing it, the root should be purified with Gangajal.
  • Afterwards, the Mantra “oṃ grāṃ grīṃ grauṃ saḥ guruve namaḥ॥” should be chanted.
  • Later on, the root should be wrapped in a yellow piece of cloth and tightly tied to one’s right arm.

Varangi Root : Click on the Link to Get It! 

Arand Mool 

Associated Planet  – Venus

Arand Mool Significance

Arand Mool is associated with the planet Venus. According to Hindu traditional astrology, the planet Venus is the significator of aspects like marriage, wealth, prosperity, passion etc. Wearing Arand Mool keeps the love and conjugal lives of the natives prosperous. The malefic effects of Venus also come to an end because of this root. In terms of health, this root is also helpful in getting relief from diseases like Asthma, fever, cough etc.

Rituals to Follow

  • Arand Mool should be worn on a Friday. 
  • Before wearing it, the root should be purified with Gangajal.
  • Afterwards, the Mantra “oṃ drāṃ drīṃ drauṃ saḥ śukrāya namaḥ॥”/“ॐ द्रां द्रीं द्रौं सः शुक्राय नमः॥” – should be chanted. 
  • Later on, the root should be wrapped in a white piece of cloth and worn in one’s neck. 

Arand Mool Root :Click on the Link to Get It! 

Dhatura Root 

Associated Planet – Saturn

Dhatura Root Significance

Usually, the planet Saturn is not considered to be quite auspicious. But, its benediction unlocks the doors to many fortunes in a human being’s life. It is the significator of one’s Karma or actions. Because of the Dosha of this particular planet, one leads a very painful life. Hence, it is quite advisable to wear the roots of Dhatura to remove the ill effects of Shani or Saturn. From the perspective of Ayurveda, it is quite effective to get rid of Arthritis and nerve problems. 

Rituals to Follow

  • Datura root should be worn on a Saturday. 
  • Before wearing it, the root should be purified with Gangajal.
  • Afterwards, the Mantra “oṃ prāṃ prīṃ prauṃ saḥ śanaiścarāya namaḥ॥”/“ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनैश्चराय नमः॥”- should be chanted. 
  • Later on, the root should be wrapped in a blue piece of cloth and worn in one’s right arm. 

Dhatura Root : Click on the Link to Get It!

Nagarmotha Root

Associated Planet – Rahu 

Nagarmotha Root Significance

Nagarmotha root removes all kinds of malefic effects related to Rahu from one’s life. It gives relief from mental stress and chronic diseases. If there is a presence of Kaal Sarp Dosha in one’s Kundli, then it also comes to an end with Nagarmotha roots. The root of Nagarmotha increases courage in the person and removes hurdles standing in one’s path to success. 

Rituals to Follow

  • Nagarmotha root should be worn on a Saturday. 
  • Before wearing it, the root should be purified with Gangajal.
  • Afterwards, the Mantra “oṃ bhrāṃ bhrīṃ bhrauṃ saḥ rāhave namaḥ॥” /“ॐ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं सः राहवे नमः॥”- should be chanted. 
  • Later on, the root should be wrapped in a white piece of cloth and worn in one’s right arm. 

Nagarmotha Root : Click on the Link to Get It! 


Related Planet – Ketu

Importance of Ashwagandha

Ketu planet is considered to be a symbol of prosperity, health etc. The possession of the root of Ashwagandha saves a person from snakebite etc. Along with this, it also saves from the malefic effects of Ketu. It also helps in curing diseases such as skin disorders, urinary tract infections etc.

Rituals to Follow

  • First of all, purify it with Gangajal.
  • Recite this mantra. “oṃ strāṃ strīṃ strauṃ saḥ ketave namaḥ॥ / ॐ स्त्रां स्त्रीं स्त्रौं सः केतवे नमः॥”
  • After worship, wrap the root in a black cloth and tie it on your right hand.
  • This must be done on a Wednesday.

Root of Ashwagandha: Click on the Link to Get It! 

For Astrological Remedies including Gemstones, Yantra, etc., Visit: AstroSage Online Shopping Store 

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