Gajalakshmi Rajyoga After 12 Years With Jupiter-Venus Conjunction, Lucky Zodiacs

Gajalakshmi Rajyoga After 12 Years With Jupiter-Venus Conjunction, Lucky Zodiacs

Planetary transits are highly significant in Vedic astrology. A planetary conjunction, or the presence of two or more planets in the same sign of the zodiac, can occasionally result from a change in the planets’ signs. The conjunction of Venus and Jupiter is occurring in the same sequence in Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, and after 12 years, Gajalakshmi Rajyoga has formed as a result of this conjunction. 

Let us inform you that the planet Jupiter has entered Taurus from Aries on May 01, and Venus will enter its own sign of Taurus on May 19. In this case, the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in Taurus, after a 12-year interval, is forming an extremely favorable Yoga.

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One noteworthy aspect is that, on May 31, 2024, at 12:02 p.m., Mercury, the planet of intelligence, will likewise enter this sign of the zodiac at the end of this month. As a result, Scorpio will create the three auspicious Yogas of Gajalakshmi, Budhaditya, and Malavya Rajyoga. Astrologically speaking, all 12 zodiac signs will benefit from the alignment of these four planets in Taurus and the resulting favorable Yoga; nonetheless, five signs will experience particularly fortunate times during this time.

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Gajalakshmi Rajyoga: 5 Zodiacs Will Benefit


The people born under the sign of Aries will have an amazing time during this time. You’re going to make progress at work. At work, you’ll receive recognition for your efforts and rise in status and esteem. There will also be opportunities for a pay raise and promotion, which will improve your financial situation. 

During this period, some auspicious work could take place in your house, due to which the atmosphere of the house will be positive. You are going to work even harder than before and reach new heights during this period. Their careers will be extremely successful, and they’ll be presented with new chances. Plus, you’ll be doing a great job at winning your supervisors over with your work throughout this time. Business revenue will rise, and trying something different will help you too. Your work is going to make your boss very happy. Your excitement and self-assurance will both grow as a result of this.

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The positive benefits of these planet combinations will intensify in the lives of those born under the sign of Cancer. Both good returns and a high degree of satisfaction are possible. You’ll be able to gain superiors’ respect and trust. There will be respect at work for you. Your excellent work will make everyone in the office love you. You’ll even succeed in gaining your boss’s affection and trust. 

If you are in business, you will be successful in making more money during this period, which will satisfy you. In terms of your romantic life, your husband is fully supportive. In addition, you will be overjoyed to receive a sizable sum of money that has been outstanding from someplace, as well as the completion of your outstanding tasks. You could be able to retain excellent health because of your high levels of immunity.

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Those who are born under the sign of Virgo are said to benefit greatly from this yoga. You might receive some attractive offers at this time if you’re considering shifting jobs. You should change jobs now since it will benefit you financially and improve your compensation. If you find greater opportunities at work, you can choose to change jobs, which would satisfy you. In terms of money matters, you will have time to save during this time.

There will be greater opportunity than previously to save money. You will be able to witness your lover and yourself enjoying a loving relationship. This time frame works well for discussing your house if you are in a romantic relationship with someone and intend to marry them. It’s possible that your family will shower you with love in your relationship. You’ll also be able to create better standards for your relationship. Because of your enthusiasm and strong will, your fitness will continue to be wonderful for your health.

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People born under the Scorpio sign would gain a lot from Gajalakshmi Rajyoga. Your personality will develop and your self-confidence will rise during this period. You’ll possess bravery and the ability to make wise choices in life, which will ultimately benefit you. You will succeed in your business ventures if you are considering doing something different. Family members will be there for you in every situation. Now is the moment to make progress in your life.

You will get good and positive career results with this auspicious yoga. In addition, you’ll succeed and be happy at work. If you do business at this time, you will have tremendous prosperity. You’ll find that this time is excellent for your health as well. You’ll experience total fitness.


During this time, you will succeed much and your efforts will bear fruit. You are going to have a really advantageous season. In terms of your career, you’ll see excellent outcomes. You’ll have a good position at work. It will appear like your superiors are pleased with you.

You’ll have plenty of other work opportunities in addition to this. Your aims will be accomplished. When it comes to Pisces people’s financial situation, you won’t have any shortages at this time. Your financial situation will remain solid if you receive money rewards from ancestor possessions and other unanticipated sources. 

You might make good money in the business world because of your abilities and intelligence. You may be sure that your efforts to grow your business will be successful and provide you with satisfaction. In terms of relationships, you will have a very strong and positive relationship with your spouse. You will get quite close to one another along with this. From a health perspective, you will continue to have exceptional health during this time. Your high energy levels and robust immunity will make you feel very fit.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ques 1. How is Gajalakshmi Rajyoga formed? 

Ans 1. Jupiter and Venus create Gajalakshmi Rajyoga when they are in each other’s center house, face to face, or in the first, fourth, or seventh houses.

Ques 2. What is Gajalakshmi Yoga? 

Ans 2. Gajalakshmi Rajyoga is highly fortunate according to astrology.

Ques 3. What benefits does Venus bestow?

Ans 3. According to Vedic astrology, Venus is the source of fame, fortune, wealth, marriage bliss, artistic ability, beauty, and other things.

Ques 4. When will Venus transit in Taurus? 

Ans 4. Venus will enter the sign of Taurus on May 19, 2024.