Change The Danger Lines Into Fate Lines With Palmistry Remedies

Palmistry: We’ve all heard that astrology can predict our fate and future by gazing at the lines on our hands. It’s not as if we only have lines in our hands that indicate good fortune. Rather, every human being’s hand has lines depicting both favourable and unfavourable outcomes. This has been addressed in great length in the field of palmistry.

Let us tell you that a full description of auspicious and unfavourable lines may be found in palmistry. Experts say the vertical lines in our palms, for example, represent progress and riches. The horizontal lines of the hands, on the other hand, represent life’s difficulties and hardships. Furthermore, if the lines on the hands are thick, it is  considered auspicious.

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However, palmistry predicts that the line that thickens in the end will produce more unpleasant results than usual. In this case, astrology considers these lines to be unlucky and unfavourable, and they are referred to as “crisis lines.” However, there are several exceptions in these instances.

That is why, in this post, we will try to explain to you about the difficulty lines, because, after all, a person’s life is affected by inauspicious lines.

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‘Crisis Line’ Gives Immense Suffering

  1. Lack of Reputation and Prestige:

If someone has difficulty on Shani’s mount, he will be extremely wealthy, but his ego will expand exponentially. That guy may make millions of dollars in such a setting, but he will never gain social prominence or respect.

  1. Deprivation of Prosperity:

On the other hand, if a person’s Mars area has issue lines, he would have a lot of difficulty earning or retaining possessions. Whether he purchased the property himself or inherited it, that person is unable to enjoy or use it.

  1. Loss in Business:

Those who have problem lines on Mercury’s mount will undoubtedly lose money. As a result, such individuals should use extreme caution while making any commercial or business-related investment or trade.

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  1. Fatal and Incurable Diseases:

In addition, palmists believe that the appearance of lines falling from top to bottom on Jupiter’s peak denotes the presence of incurable and serious ailments. Such people’s luck is substantially worse than average.

  1. Lifelong Suffering:

Astrology experts also feel that having crisis lines in one’s hands makes them more likely to have troubles in various aspects of one’s life on a regular basis. However, if a person implements some solutions in a timely manner with the assistance of an expert astrologer, his chances of overcoming his issues grow significantly.

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Some Simple Steps to Change ‘Danger Line’ to ‘Fate Line’

  • If you have a crisis line in your palm, you should sing the Mahamrityunjaya mantras 11, 21, 51, or 108 times for 45 days in a row, depending on the auspicious period.
  • You can increase your crisis line by practising yoga, especially during the morning prahar, if you do pranayama everyday in the morning and evening.
  • Install a pyramid or rhinestone yantra in your home according to the strategy to erase the crisis line’s unfavourable effects.
  • Feed bananas to monkeys regularly.
  • According to palmistry, reciting Narayan Stotra and Aditya Hriday Stotra regularly is also favourable for the person.

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