The shape of your face can unveil your basic personality traits. Most people have a face that is a mix of two or more shapes. In other words, they do not have a distinctive face. But some people have face that can be easily recognised. This blog by AstroSage consists of some faces of common shape and the personality traits based on them. So, find the shape from below that is closest to your face and read your personality traits accordingly!
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Personality As Per The Shape Of Your Face
Rectangular Face Shape: The Planners
This shape appears more squared off at the chin and forehead. People with this face type value logic, are good thinkers, and are amazing planners. They don’t like to openly express their emotions and enjoy working in silence. Such people are fit as they love to work out a lot, to escape from overthinking and over planning.
Round Face Shape: The Most Reliable
The people with round faces have fullness below the cheekbones and a wide hairline. Such people are very kind, reliable, and give more importance to others. The downfall of such a trait is that you often give too much of yourself to others and get very little in return that can make you upset. Your behaviour can sometimes attract narcissists, but prioritising yourself first over others can help you overcome this problem.
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Oval Face Shape: The Extroverts
People with oval face have narrower jaws than the cheekbones. They are friendly and make everyone feel welcomed and comfortable. They say all the things at the right time and never miss a moment to make the people around them happy. They are not exactly the social butterflies, but their comforting words and vibes attract people.
Heart Face Shape: The Creative Ones
This is a unique face shape with a wide forehead and narrows toward the chin. Such people are known to be affectionate and extremely creative in their area of work. They also love to be entertained and hate the idea of being bored. They are goal-oriented and don’t shy away from thriving to achieve their goals.
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Pear/ Triangular Face Shape: The Most Powerful
This is also an uncommon face which is defined by a narrow forehead and wide jaw. The people with this face type come out to be pretty powerful because of the sharper angles. These people can be overly sensitive, creative, and artistic but can also be highly energetic, fierce, and powerful if need be.
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