Tuesday Special: Wear Coral Gemstone For Supreme Happiness, Know Wearing Process & Rituals

Beautiful and multicoloured gemstones are said to play a vital role in maintaining the grace of planets in a person’s life. As per astrology, a person can achieve success in different fields of life through the help of different gemstones related to different planets. However, it is necessary to know properly which gemstone suits you and what rituals and principles should be adopted before wearing it. Click here if you wish to have full information related to it. 

In this blog, we are exploring about the planet Mars and Red Coral Gemstone which is associated with Tuesday. We shall also enlighten you with rules and rituals that are to be observed while wearing it on Tuesday and the things to be kept in mind after wearing it. Besides this, we shall also tell you how to identify the real and appropriate Coral Gemstone.  

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Tuesday, Planet Mars & Red Coral Gem

Among all the nine planets, seven are considered complete and perfect whereas two are known as shadow planets. Besides this, some planets have been given the status of deities whereas others are called demons. Planets such as Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Saturn fall in the category of deities while the remaining are monsters. According to astrology, the influence of courage is extremely important in a person’s life and Mars is the ruling lord of it. 

The commander of planets, Mars, is also the benefactor of enthusiasm. In this regard, it is but natural that if Mars is placed in a debilitated state in a person’s horoscope, they confront many challenges in life while if Mars is positioned in an exalted state, then the results are reversed. As Tuesday of the week is related to the planet Mars, it is also termed as Red Coral day. Red Coral is very important and auspicious.      

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If Mars is not placed in an auspicious position in one’s horoscope then the astrologers suggest them to wear a Red Coral Gem. It is also believed that wearing Red Coral Gem with due rituals and proper methods on Tuesday brings all types of success in the life of a person and also, financial stability. It can be said in simple words that Red Coral is the game-changer of a life. If you can click here to know the right type of Gem, which suits you the most.   

Benefits of Wearing Red Coral Gemstone on Tuesday

Moonga is known as Coral Gem in English. Although it is of red colour, it is available in other colours also. It is considered to be a booster of energy. However, wearing it on Tuesday helps a person get rid of blood and stress-related problems. Also, it protects a person from snakebite and scorpion stings. Those persons who are continuously confronting problems can heave a sigh of relief by wearing Red Coral Gemstone. Wearing the Red Coral Gem on Tuesday affords an opportunity to the person to attain patience, self-confidence, self-respect, etc. Apart from this, Red Coral Gem holds special significance for those children who suffer from malnutrition.     

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Ill-Effects of Wearing Red Coral Gemstone

It is not necessary that wearing gems is always beneficial but if not worn prudently and intelligently, it can pose a lot of problems. Now, in the context of Red Coral Gemstone, we can safely say that if it is worn without the consultation of an astrologer, it may lead to multiple health problems. Also, it can adversely affect the life of married people. It also adds to the anger of a person and reduces their self-confidence.      

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Which Zodiac Sign to Wear Coral Gem and Which Not?

  • Aries: These natives can wear Coral Gemstone. 
  • Taurus: People bearing this zodiac sign should avoid wearing Moonga. 
  • Gemini: People with the Gemini zodiac sign should not wear Red Coral Gem. 
  • Cancer: These natives can wear Moonga. 
  • Leo: People having Leo zodiac sign can wear Coral Gem.  
  • Virgo: Virgo natives should not wear Coral Gem. 
  • Libra: These people should avoid wearing Coral Gem. 
  • Scorpio: People with Scopio zodiac sign can wear Coral Gem in some special conditions. 
  • Sagittarius: Sagittarius natives can wear Red Coral if they are suffering from high blood pressure, otherwise, they should keep away from it. 
  • Capricorn: People bearing this zodiac sign should not wear Coral Gemstone. 
  • Aquarius:  People having the Aquarius zodiac sign can wear Coral Gem in some specific situations. 
  • Pisces: Such natives can wear Red Coral Gemstone.  

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Rituals to Wear Coral Gemstone on Tuesday

  • Red Coral Gemstone is associated with Mars. 
  • It should be worn on Tuesday between 05 AM to 09 AM. 
  • It can be studded in gold, silver, or bronze and can be worn on a ring finger.  
  • Men should wear Red Coral only in right hand while women can wear in any of the hands. 
  • It can also be worn as a pendant in the neck.  
  • Either you wear a pendant or a ring, Red Coral should be studded in such a manner that the surface of it should touch your skin. 
  • Sit on a clean red coloured cloth on Tuesday and place the Red Coral studded ring on a piece of red coloured cloth. Place some flowers on it and light incense sticks.  
  • Dip the Red Coral Gemstone thrice in Gangajal or raw cow milk on Tuesday. Now, it becomes pious and you can wear it.  
  • After this, recite the Mantra – ’ॐ भौं भौमाय नम:’ / ’oṃ bhauṃ bhaumāya nama:’ 108 times and wear the ring in a ring finger. 
  • Red Coral Gem should be worn during Krishna Paksha. 
  • Special care should be taken to maintain the cleanliness of Gem regularly to get auspicious benefits out of it. This should also be kept in mind that the Gem should not be tempered or broken from any corner.  

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How to Identify the Real Red Coral?

Before wearing any Gem, take care that its purity is certified by some lab and it is not broken from any point. However, people do not refrain from selling fake gems to earn more and more profits. Now, the question arises of how an ordinary person can differentiate between the fake and the real gem. Now, let’s learn how to recognise the real Red Coral Gem.   

  • Put the Coral Gem in a half-filled glass of milk. After some time, the colour of the milk will change into red due to the rays of Red Coral Gem. However, when you will take Red Coral out of milk, the milk will turn in its original colour i.e. white. This shows that your Red Coral is pure.
  • The other test is just to rub the Red Coral Gem on glass sheet. While rubbing if there is no noise, the stone is real, otherwise, it is fake.
  • The third test is to keep the Red Coral on a white cloth and throw light on it. Try to see the Gem with a magnifying glass and if its surface looks smooth, then it is real and if it is fake then little grains will be visible on it.   
  • The fourth and simple test is that Red Coral should be rubbed on turmeric root and if the colour of turmeric root turns red, it means the gem is real. On the other hand, if there is no effect of turmeric root, it means the Coral is fake.    

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Frequently Asked Questions & Answers About Red Coral Stone

Ques: What should be the minimum weight of Coral Gemstone?
Ans: The weight of the Coral Gemstone should be decided according to the weight of a person. For example, the ratio of the weight of a person and a Coral Gemstone should be 10Kg:1Ratti. As per astrology, Italian Coral can give better results.

Ques: Which finger is highly suitable for wearing Coral Gemstone? 
Ans: It should be worn in the right hand of the ring finger. 

Ques: In which metal should the Red Coral Gemstone be studded? 
Ans: It should be studded in a gold or bronze ring.

Ques: Which is the most favourable day of wearing Red Coral Gemstone?

Ans: It should be worn on Tuesday during Shukla Paksha. 

Ques: What are the best timings of wearing Red Coral Gemstone?
Ans: The best time to wear Red Coral Gemstone is from 5 AM to 9 AM.

Although we have tried to cover all the information related to Coral Gemstone in this blog, if you have any other questions in mind, you can ask our expert astrologers through chat or call.   

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