Bhadrapada Amavasya 2024: Unlock The Secrets & Remedies For Zodiacs!

Bhadrapada Amavasya 2024: Unlock The Secrets & Remedies For Zodiacs!

In the Sanatan Dharma, there is great significance of Amavasya Tithi in the Bhadrapada month. On this special day, the devotees can acquire special benefits by bathing, puja, and donations. As per the Hindu calendar, Amavasya falls on the fifteenth day of Krishna Paksha of every month of the year. In this way, the new Moon day of Krishna Paksha of Bhadrapada month is known as Bhadrapada Amavasya. This day of Amavasya is considered very auspicious for offerings to the ancestors and worship of Goddess Lakshmi. People can get the blessing of their ancestors on this special day by bathing, donating, and offering food & getting total relief from Pitrudosh.

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This Amavasya is also referred to as Mahalaya Amavasya, Bhado Amavasya, Pithori Amavasya, Bhadi Amavasya, Kushotpatini Amavasya, etc. The devotees pay homage to their ancestors by following the special procedures and thus seek their blessings to achieve good success in life. According to Vedic Astrology, the top remedies for Amavasya Tithi provide many benefits to the devotees. So, without further delay let’s move ahead and know about the time of Bhadrapada Amavasya this year and the specific remedies that prove very beneficial for this day.

Bhadrapada Amavasya 2024: Puja Date And Auspicious Time

As mentioned earlier, this Amavasya falls in the month of Bhadrapada in 2024 and it falls on 02 September 2024.

Start Date & Time Of Bhadrapada Amavasya 2024: 02 September 2024 at 05:24 am.

End Date & Time Of Bhadrapada Amavasya 2024: 03 September 2024 at 07:27 am.

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Importance Of Bhadrapada Amavasya

There is a great significance of Bhadrapada Amavasya in the Sanatan Dharma and it is believed that by observing fast on this day the devotees can get freedom from all their sins committed in their previous birth. Other than that, observing this fast maintains peace and harmony in the family. The benefits of the Bhadrapada Amavasya fasting result in the peace of the departed souls of their ancestors. The performing of some important rituals on Bhadrapada Amavasya results in getting rid of Kaal Sarp Dosh.

Observing fast on the Bhadrapada Amavasya and taking a bath in the holy rivers results in the destruction of all your sins and devotees can attain salvation. Other than that, offering charity can result in happiness and prosperity in their lives. This day is special for those looking to get the blessing of their ancestors and want to offer Tarpan to them. The fasting & worship on the Bhadrapada Amavasya can result in pleasing ancestors and bring happiness & peace in the lives of people.

What To Do And Not To Do On Bhadrapada Amavasya?

In the Sanatan Dharma, the day of Bhadrapada Amavasya is considered very important and sacred. On this special day, the devotees need to do puja, Tarpan, and Shraddha rituals to ensure peace and satisfaction for their ancestors. It is the best time to eliminate Pitra Dosha and some special tasks should be done on this day & some should be avoided. Let us check the details of things to do & not to do.

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What To Do?

Tarpan and Shraddha of Ancestors: On this special day, to achieve the peace of ancestor’s souls, devotees need to do Tarpan and Shraddha. For this, it is vital to go to a holy river or other pilgrimage place and offer prayers.

Bathing in the Holy River: It is considered auspicious to bathe in the holy river on Bhadrapada Amavasya. If it is not possible to bathe in a holy river, then mix Ganga water in the bath water at home.

Donation: The devotees get special results in their lives due to donations to the poor and Brahmins. To get the blessings of ancestors, donate food, clothes, sesame seeds, and gold.

Fasting and Worship: Eliminate all your sins and get auspicious results due to fasting on Bhadrapada Amavasya. Special worship of Shiva and Lord Vishnu is done on this special day.

What Not To Do?

Anger and Ego: The devotees need to avoid anger, ego, and disputes on this day. Such negative emotions can reduce the overall results of the puja.

Tamasic Food: Avoid the consumption of meat, alcohol, and other tamasic food on the day of Bhadrapada Amavasya. Eat pure and Satvik food.

Cutting Trees and Plants: It is considered inauspicious to cut trees and plans on this special day. It can create displeasure or dislike of the ancestors.

Lending or Borrowing: One needs to avoid lending or borrowing on this day. This is considered a sign of financial loss and an increase in debt.

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Worship Method Of Bhadrapada Amavasya

For the peace and satisfaction of the ancestor’s soul, the devotees need to do special worship on this day of Bhadrapada Amavasya. On this day, the devotees can get the blessing of their ancestors by doing rituals and worship. Check the worship method of Bhadrapada Amavasya:

  • On this special day, wake up early in the morning, before sunrise, and take a bath in a holy river or pond. If that isn’t possible, then take a bath after mixing Ganga water in the bath water.
  • At your home, select a sacred place for worship. Clean it and spread the sacred mat in the area. Then spread a white cloth on a stool for the puja ceremony.
  • Take the name of Lord Vishnu, Shiva, and Yamraj. Now light a lamp and also use incense. Also, offer flowers, sandalwood, and Akshat (rice) in front of the idol or the picture of the God.
  • For your ancestors, create a special place. Offer them water, black sesame seeds, barley, and white flowers. Remember the ancestors and offer praying so that they accept the Tarpan and bless them.
  • Remember the names of your ancestors, and offer them sesame seeds, barley, and water. At the time of Tarpan, chant “Om Pitri Devtabhyo Namah”. Repeat the process three times.

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  • After the completion of Puja, feed the food to Brahmin or the poor and donate clothes, food, or money to them. It is considered vital to satisfy the ancestors.
  • At the end of puja, meditate, remember your God and ancestors, and seek their blessings for peace, happiness, & prosperity of lives.
  • During this Puja ceremony, observe complete purity and reverence. The devotees need to behave in a restrained way and only consume Satvik food.
  • By worshiping in this manner, the devotees get the blessings of their ancestors and they keep their blessings on the family.

Bhadrapada Amavasya Fasting Story

As per the legend, a king named Harishchandra ruled a kingdom. He was famous for his adherence to truth and religion. Every individual in their kingdom is satisfied and happy. One fine day King Harishchandra received a message from his ancestors in his dream, instructing him to perform Shraddha to get rid of his ancestral debt. The king took this message very seriously and decided to visit Kashi on the same day of Bhadrapada Amavasya for the Shraddha of his ancestors.

But, as he reached Kashi, all this kingdom and property was snatched away. He had to face the toughest situation of his life. Then Harishchandra decided to complete the Shraddha rituals of his ancestors without deviating from the path of truth and religion. For this, he donated everything and started working in the Kashi crematorium so that he could get relief from their ancestral debt.

On the auspicious day of Bhadrapada Amavasya, the king took a holy bath on the banks of the river Ganga and performed the rituals of Tarpan and Shraddha. Pleased with the devotion and dedication, the ancestors blessed him and freed him from all his ancestral debt. After that, King Harishchandra’s life was again filled with happiness & prosperity, and then he spent his entire life following the path of religion.

This story conveys the message that the auspicious day of Bhadrapada Amavasya is very important for the peace of the souls of the ancestors. By performing puja, tarpan, and shraddha as per rituals on this day, the devotees can get the blessings of their ancestors and bring the difficulties of life to an end.

Remedies As Per Zodiac Signs On Bhadrapada Amavasya

With donations as per the zodiac signs on the day of Bhadrapada Amavasya, the individuals can get special blessings from their ancestors. Let us now check what things to donate on this day as per the zodiac sign.


On this auspicious day, Aries natives need to donate red-colored clothes, copper, and lentils. It will help to eliminate troubles related to the planet Mars.

Read: Aries Weekly Horoscope


Taurus natives should donate white clothes, rice, milk, and white sweets on this auspicious day. It reduces the inauspicious effects of planet Venus and results in happiness & prosperity in their lives.

Read: Taurus Weekly Horoscope


On this auspicious day, Gemini natives need to donate green-colored items like green moong, green clothes, and betel leaves. It assists in pleasing planet Mercury and boosts the intellectual development of natives.

Read: Gemini Weekly Horoscope 

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The Cancer natives need to donate milk, silver, rice, and white clothes on this auspicious day. It helps to calm down the effects of the Moon and ensure mental peace.

Read: Cancer Weekly Horoscope


The Leo natives can donate jaggery, wheat, and turmeric on this day for auspicious results. This results in the blessing of the Sun and enhances the self-confidence of people.

Read: Leo Weekly Horoscope


On this auspicious day, the Virgo natives should donate green clothes, moong dal, books, and betel leaves. It boosts the auspicious effects of planet Mercury and brings progress in their lives.

Read: Virgo Weekly Horoscope


The Libra natives should donate white clothes, curd, rice, and sugarcane on this auspicious day to get the best results. It will pacify the defects of planet Venus and bring happiness & peace in their lives.

Read: Libra Weekly Horoscope


The Scorpio natives need to donate red clothes, copper, and lentils for auspicious results. It reduces the effects of planet Mars and infuses energy into the lives of people.

Read: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope


On this auspicious day, the Sagittarius natives need to donate yellow clothes, gram dal, gold, and turmeric. It helps in acquiring the blessing of planet Jupiter and helps with the increase of knowledge.

Read: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope


The Capricorn natives should donate black clothes, black sesame seeds, and iron. It helps to pacify the effects of planet Saturn and brings stability to their lives.

Read: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope


On this auspicious day, donate black clothes, sesame seeds, and oil to get the best results. By this, they get the blessings of planet Saturn and remove obstacles from their lives.

Read: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


The Pisces natives need to donate yellow clothes, gram pulses, turmeric, gram pulses, and gold. This enhances the auspicious effects of planet Jupiter and brings happiness & peace to people’s lives.

Read: Pisces Weekly Horoscope

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

When is Bhadrapada Amavasya in the year 2024?

As per the Hindu Calendar, this Amavasya falls every year in the Bhadrapada month, and then in 2024, it falls on 02 September.

What to do on Bhado Amavasya?

It is vital to worship Shani Dev or Saturn on the day of Bhado Amavasya. On this day, oil should be applied to the Shani Dev idol and the mustard oil should be lit in front of the lord.

What is the best use of Amavasya?

The new moon phase is the best period to set your intentions and realize your goals.

What not to do on Amavasya day?

On Amavasya day, avoid auspicious events like marriage, housewarming, Mundan, etc. Avoid using bad words to anyone and get angry.

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