Brihat Horoscope Report: An Instant Remedy For All Your Woes

brihat horoscopebrihat horoscope

The Brihat Horoscope Report launched by AstroSage is the most elaborate, colourful, kundali prediction, discussing all aspects of your life at length. Learn about its unique features here.

The beauty of Astrology lies in the fact that it offers various summaries about what the future has in store for us. In today’s world, most of us are seen rushing to the astrologers to get an essence of the upcoming events and challenges in our life. We seem to get a better hold ourselves when certain briefings regarding the future are made available to us. All of these questions regarding the future and the ambivalences surrounding it find a place in the Brihat Horoscope report presented by AstroSage, which will make you capable of leaving your worries behind and leading a stress-free life. Brihat report can be taken into account as a special measure and your one-stop astrological solution to all of your woes.

AstroSage presents to you its masterpiece, Brihat Kundli, a 250+ Pages Colored kundli laced with accurate and detailed life predictions based on multiple aspects of Astrology. An in-depth insight into your love life, marriage, family, career, profession, health, studies and much more makes this astro-report particularly remarkable. Advanced systems such as KP, KCIL, Numerology, Nakshatra Nadi, Vedic & Western Systems, 4-Step, and much more are invested in this report to deliver, what we call, “perfection”.

Brihat Horoscope Report: Benefits and Advantages


The Brihat Horoscope Report is specially designed by the best astrologers in town to suit the convenience of the users and make your life prosperous once again. It is expressly engineered to generate some detailed insights about your family, health, profession, children, marriage, finance and other major aspects of your life. This report has multi-folded benefits to offer as you will be able to keep track of the challenges awaiting you and also observe the necessary remedies mentioned in the Brihat report to put an end to them successfully.

Let us now move on to take a detailed look at the primary benefits of the Brihat Horoscope Report:

Brihat Horoscope Report: The Best Features

The AstroSage Brihat Horoscope Report offers in-depth details and predictions based on your birth chart. The colours, pictures, and tables used to ease the readability as well as make the report more elegant and unique. In addition to this, the PDF does not stop at one or two astrology factions but uses several systems like Numerology, Lal Kitab, KP System, Nakshatra Nadi, Western System, and so much more. Let us discover more of these features:

Meticulously Detailed

The Brihat Horoscope Report contains more than 250+ pages filled with information on your past, present, and future; as well as relevant details like yogas, dashas, remedies, and more. It talks about your moon sign, ascendant, and nakshatra. It describes how being born under each of these affect your personality and other aspects of your life.

Then it moves on to your life predictions using Numerology, Lal Kitab, KP System, Nakshatra Nadi, Western method, and so on. It also discusses the different doshas, yogas, Dashas, Balas, and more. The report comes to an end with the annual predictions for five years, considering each year, and each month, and how the different planetary positions and movements influence you in the given duration.

Yogas, Doshas, And Dashas

The report talks about the various auspicious yogas being formed in your kundali, and how they will affect your life, going forward. Simultaneously, it also discusses the multiple doshas, Mangal, Kalsarpa, etc. that your horoscope consists, and remedies on how to mollify their malefic effects, as well as for others factions of your life. In general, reports only offer Vimshottari Dasha in their predictions. However, the Brihat Horoscope Report also discusses Jaimini and Char Dashaphal.


Remedies are an essential part of Vedic Astrology. There are many aspects of our lives that we sometimes cannot thrive in, due to planetary intervention or some dosha in our kundali. Every problem comes with a solution, and Brihat Horoscope Report offers you tailor-made remedies for all your woes, all in one place.

Lal Kitab

Brihat Horoscope Report uses one of the most efficient astrology systems, Lal Kitab. It gives us predictions, dashas, Teva, debts, and remedies. It utilizes all information from the scriptures of Lal Kitab to bring to us, the foretellings and readings, that even some great astrologers have problems discerning.

Graphic, Colourful, And Aesthetic

The Brihat Horoscope Report by AstroSage uses glorious colours and adds to the vivacity with pictorial representations. It makes reading more comfortable with tables and clear descriptions.

Suggestions & Recommendations

Most remedies in Vedic Astrology suggest wearing or carrying gemstones, rudraksha, yantra, Jadi and more. The Brihat Horoscope Report by AstroSage gives you all these recommendations in one place, personalized suggestions on which artefact will suit you and help you best, based on your birth chart.

Various Systems of Astrology

Much like the Lal Kitab segment, the AstroSage Brihat Horoscope Report also dedicates an entire section to the other systems of astrology. Natives will have access to all the information they require with accurate predictions that are calculated through Nakshatra Nadi, KP system, Four-Step, Khullar Cuspal Interlinks System, and other advanced regimes of Vedic Jyotish.

Favourable Periods

The Brihat Horoscope Report notes down all the beneficial periods throughout your lifetime, for your marriage, career, business, and home construction. Beginning from the year you turn 18, and going on until you turn 65; this report mentions each day, month, and year, which are favourable for the significant events of your life.

Perks Of Buying Brihat Horoscope Report

The Brihat Horoscope Report gives you a summarized outlook on the entire year. It describes how your life will be in each sub-sub-period (usually about one-month duration). It foretells about the different spheres of one’s life, including finance, love, family, health, and career. Brihat Kundli gives its readers a bright chance to read their life predictions in a coloured format, thereby rejuvenating their mind and mood. Impressive graphics and multi-coloured texts create an exciting vibe for the readers and ignite the passion of knowing more about their lives within them. Many users have benefitted on a major basis after resorting to the solutions and remedies mentioned in the report.

The comprehensive Brihat Horoscope Report is a blessing for natives who wish to catch a glimpse and prepare for what the future holds for them.

We hope that this blog on Brihat Horoscope Report Helps You Grasp The Astounding Features This Service Offers You. May you have a joyous future ahead!!
