Ascendant Horoscope 2020 For all Zodiac Signs!!

Ascendant horoscope 2020Ascendant horoscope 2020

Read Ascendant Horoscope 2020 to Put an End to all of your Woes!!

As a brand new year has begun, AstroSage is here with the Ascendant Horoscope 2020, to make your new year more joyous and fulfilling. With the help of this horoscope, you will get to know which aspects of life will be in your favour in 2020 and which are the ones which need more attention. So, leave your worries behind with the Ascendant or Lagna Horoscope and keep a good track of all the changes that will grace you in the upcoming year. Let us now have a look at the Ascendant horoscope for all the twelve signs, but before moving on to that let us have a look at what Ascendant horoscope really is and what are the factors taken into account to calculate the predictions.

What is Ascendant Horoscope?  

Before taking a look at the predictions of Ascendant Horoscope, readers should know that they are based on a native’s ascendant or as it is known in Hindi, Lagna sign, which is categorized as per one’s Kundli or birth chart. The Ascendant or Lagna is technically the first house of one’s horoscope which forms the base of a particular native’s Kundli. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most important of all the twelve houses. Generally, it is regarded as the house of self, because of which it governs the aspects like one’s character, physique, early life, health, joys, sorrows, age and many more. At the same time, the house also has a profound impact on one’s likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses and numerous other things. It is calculated by determining which sign rises in the eastern horizon at the time of a person’s birth. It is also known as the Rising Sign, which tells about a person’s personal attributes and many other facets of his/her life.

brihat horoscopebrihat horoscope

Ascendant Sign and Ascendant Lords

Considering the importance of the various planets in the realm of Vedic astrology, each and every sign has its ruling lord. If there is an ascendant sign, then there would be an ascendant lord too. For instance, if your ascendant sign is Leo, then your ascendant lord is the royal planet, Sun.

 Let us now have a look at the ascendant lords of all the zodiac signs.

  • Aries – Mars
  • Taurus – Venus
  • Gemini – Mercury
  • Cancer – Moon
  • Leo – Sun
  • Virgo – Mercury
  • Libra – Venus
  • Scorpio – Mars
  • Sagittarius – Jupiter
  • Capricorn – Saturn
  • Aquarius – Saturn
  • Pisces – Jupiter

So, these are the respective ascendant signs and their ruling Lords which leave a profound impact on the lives of all natives. Now, let us move on to the sign wise predictions of  ascendant horoscope 2020 and what it has in store for all natives.

Note : The Predictions are Based on your Ascendant Sign. Know Yours Here !!

Aries Ascendant Horoscope 2020

According to the ascendant Horoscope 2020, natives who belong to Aries ascendant will come across an ordinary time during the initial three months of the year 2020. During this year, you may come into terms with some unforeseen events. Also during 2020, you are specially advised to take good care of yours…. Read More

Taurus Ascendant Horoscope 2020

As per ascendant Horoscope 2020, Taurus ascendants will witness a prosperous time during the year 2020. You will obtain the love and support of your family members. Job holders will also encounter a fulfilling time, especially during the month of March as this would be a time when you would get a promotional offer. Refrain from…Read More

Gemini Ascendant Horoscope 2020

According to the ascendant Horoscope 2020, natives belonging to Gemini ascendant may witness a year full of happiness in 2020. You will get access to materialistic pleasures after the month of July will remain by your side and you will obtain positive results in many fields. Keep a tab on your behaviour as….Read More

Cancer Ascendant Horoscope 2020

As per the ascendant Horoscope 2020, natives belonging to Cancer ascendant may face some problems due to a family member or someone from outside the family. Clouds of despair will be seen prevailing over your household , however you will be able to find the solution to the problems on account of your……Read More

 Leo Ascendant Horoscope 2020

During the initial months of 2020, Leo ascendants may embark upon a religious journey. Along with this, you may also come forward to take part in social activities along with charity. Offering your prayers to God will provide you with mental peace. At the workplace, you will obtain a…..Read More

Virgo Ascendant Horoscope 2020

Virgo ascendants will obtain positive results in the field of education during 2020, says ascendant Horoscope 2020. In sports related competitions too, the natives belonging to the sign will acquire success.  Once the month of January comes to an end, some amount of stubbornness and magnanimity will be….Read More

Libra Ascendant Horoscope 2020

Libra ascendants may fall prey to lethargy during this year. After the month of June, you are advised to take special care of your health. During the conclusive months of the year, maintain a watch full attitude with regards to your family life. According to the ascendant Horoscope 2020, the harmony which exists between the family members may be at stake. During this year….Read More

 Scorpio Ascendant Horoscope 2020

Natives who happen to be Scorpio ascendants may come across an ordinary time during this year. At the workplace, you may face some ups and downs during this year. As per the ascendant Horoscope 2020, You may feel that… Read More

Sagittarius Ascendant Horoscope 2020

As per the ascendant Horoscope 2020, Sagittarius ascendants will come across a favourable time during the beginning of the year as the ruling Lord of your sign is remain posited in your Lagna or ascendant house.  Because of this, you will come into contact with many kinds of….. Read More

Capricorn Ascendant Horoscope 2020

Capricorn ascendant Horoscope 2020 states that the concerned natives will remain under the endowment of Lord Shani or Saturn during the year 2020. Luck will remain by your side at the beginning of the year, the transit of Saturn in your sign is indicating the occurrence of….Read More

 Aquarius Ascendant Horoscope 2020

Aquarius ascendants will acquire positive results in terms of business and profession.  You will obtain the necessary recognition and people will be seen praising you for your work in your office or institution. There will be the right amount of balance maintained by your family members. Some quality time will be….Read More

 Pisces Ascendant Horoscope 2020

For Pisces ascendants, this year will remain ordinary. You are advised to keep negative thoughts at bay. If you are filled with pessimism then there are chances of coming into terms with losses. From the month of February, tensions related to your health may come into the forefront. Take the aid of…. Read More

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