Monthly Horoscope March 2024: Aquarius Natives Should Be Careful This Month!

Monthly Horoscope March 2024: Aquarius Natives Should Be Careful This Month!

Monthly Horoscope March 2024: AstroSage is back again with the Monthly Horoscope March 2024 for the Aquarius natives. We sincerely hope that after knowing about March monthly horoscope, you will plan for the month in a strategic manner. Through this March 2024 horoscope, we will tell the Aquarius natives about how March will be for them and on the basis of this horoscope, the natives will be able to speculate the kind of results they will get and how they can improve them as well. Doing all of this will drive the natives to the right direction in life. 

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Monthly Horoscope March 2024: Planetary Transits 

If we briefly talk about the planets’ transit in March, the Sun will remain in the Aquarius till 14th March and after this, will move to Pisces. Both of these transits of the Sun are considered unfavorable. Talking about Mars transit, it will stay in Capricorn zodiac till 15th March and after that, will move to Aquarius. Both of these transits are said unfavorable. Mercury will stay in Aquarius from the beginning of the month till 7th March. For Mercury, this position is again not favorable. And, between 7th March to 26th March, it will be in Pisces. In this situation, Mercury will give mixed outcomes. After 26th March, Mercury will move to Aries and will stay back from being in your favor. Jupiter will stay in Aries and in the constellation of Venus. Therefore, Jupiter will give you mixed results. On the other hand, Venus will be in Capricorn till 7th March. After 7th March, it will move to Aquarius and both of these transits are said to be favorable. Saturn will be in Aquarius but in the constellation of Rahu. Throughout the month, Saturn will mostly remain in combustion. Therefore, one should not expect Saturn to be in favor. 

Rahu will be in Pisces in the constellation of Mercury and keeping this in mind, Rahu may also not be able to give you favorable results. Ketu will be present in Virgo and spend most of its time in the constellation of Moon. Therefore, you should again  not expect Ketu to be in your favor. So, come, let’s figure out  what will be the overall effect of the transits of these planets on Aquarius natives! 

Monthly Horoscope March 2024: Aquarius 

About Career 

In career and professional matters, the Aquarius natives may get mixed results, and in certain cases, the outcomes can even be weaker than average. Therefore, it would not be good to take risks in the matters associated with the workplace.  The lord of your career, Mars will be in the twelfth house in exalted form so, you can get good results in matters concerning distant places or foreign countries etc., although the transit of Mars in the twelfth house is not considered good. 

Whereas, after 15th March, Mars will move to the first house. The connection between work and the first house is considered good for the business however the Mars transit in the first house is not considered good for the natives. Therefore, Mars in the complete month can give both good and bad outcomes. In these circumstances, it wouldn’t be good to take a risk. The way things are going, the natives should maintain them like that! Also, avoid dealing with anger and arrogance with your seniors and also, when you are signing a business deal. 

About Financial Life 

The lord of your profit house, Jupiter will remain in Aries this month as well and will transit in the third house. This is not much of a favorable condition but this month, Jupiter will be in the constellation of Venus, the lord of your “luck” house therefore, some of the natives will definitely get good results. For this reason, you can get average or mixed results in terms of profires. Now, talking about savings, Jupiter will try to give similar results but the placement of Rahu is unfavorable. Therefore, savings may be slightly less as compared to income. This month, it will be necessary to notice that the accumulated or saved money should not be spent in vain. 

About Health 

From a health perspective, this month may get a bit weak because the lord of your zodiac or ascendant house is going to remain in combustion most of the time this month. Therefore, it will not be good to be careless with your health at any cost. The changing weather may also affect your health. Especially, if you suffer from gas and indigestion, then you should balance  your eating habits this month. It would also be important to be careful to avoid injuries on the head and lower parts of the feets, i.e, around the ankles. 

About Education

Venus, the lord of your fourth house, will generally be in a good position while the lord of your fifth house, Mercury will be in a position slightly above average. Mercury is also the doer of primary education. On the other hand, the position of Jupiter is also average. Therefore, in the education matters, you may get average or slightly better results. The students pursuing higher education may get better results comparatively. The students living and pursuing studies abroad will get good results at the beginning of the month. And. like this, the students pursuing education in the month of March will get average or slightly better than average outcomes in their endeavors. 

About Love And Married Life 

The position of the lord of your fifth house, Mercury is going to be mixed. It may emit weak and average results both, from time and again. Therefore, there may be disputes in your love life and sometimes, misunderstandings may as well arise in your relationship. It would be wise to be alert to protect yourself from such a situation. And, if we talk about marriage-related matters, the impact of Mars will be on your seventh house throughout the month which may be a sign of arguments. Also, there will be the effect of Saturn-Sun conjunction in the first half of the month while in the second part of the month, Saturn–Mars conjunction will show its impact. Therefore, you need to live carefully almost throughout the month. However, if we compare, the second part of the month will be better for the natives. 

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About Family And Household

You may need to be a little cautious in family matters this month. At the beginning of the month, only the influence of Rahu and Jupiter will be on the second house, hence there may be a few misunderstandings, everything else will be fine but due to the impact of the Sun in the second half of the month, some disputes may also be seen. In such a situation, it will be very important to be more civilized and gentle while having a conversation. Talking about household matters, you can generally get good results this month. Because Venus, the lord of your fourth house will generally be transiting in good houses this month. Therefore, you will get a good chance to buy household items and in general, you will be able to enjoy your family life better. 

Monthly Horoscope March 2024: Astrological Remedies To Improve Outcomes

  • Don’t eat jaggery this entire month. 
  • Recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly. 
  • Don’t accept anything offered for free, even if it is a gift. 

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