Apara Ekadashi 2024 Falling With Two Auspicious Yogas!

Apara Ekadashi 2024 Falling With Two Auspicious Yogas!

Apara Ekadashi 2024: In Hinduism, the date of Ekadashi holds great significance. It is noted that there are a total of 24 Ekadashis in year. Based on this, there is one Ekadashi each month, both in the Krishna and Shukla Paksha and each Ekadashi is considered special. All Ekadashis are dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Worship is performed on this day according to the rituals of Lord Vishnu, and fasting is observed. It is believed that by doing so, success is achieved in all endeavors. 

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According to religious beliefs, observing the fast of Ekadashi fulfills all desires. In this sequence, the Ekadashi of the Krishna Paksha is called Apara Ekadashi. This Ekadashi falls in the Jyeshtha month, which is considered very sacred in the scriptures. Apara Ekadashi 2024 means immense virtue, indicating that the practitioner who observes this Ekadashi attains immense virtue. According to the Puranas, on this day, the worship of Lord Vishnu’s Vamana Avatar is performed. Besides Apara Ekadashi, it is also known as Jalakrida Ekadashi, Achala Ekadashi, and Bhadrakali Ekadashi.

The notable aspect is that this year, a highly auspicious combination of planetary alignments is taking shape on Apara Ekadashi, and as a result of this alignment, the significance of this Ekadashi will significantly escalate. Therefore, let’s proceed to determine when the fasting for Apara Ekadashi will be observed this year, discuss the favorable alignments occurring on this day, and explore straightforward remedies to be enacted.

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Apara Ekadashi 2024: Date & Time

As mentioned earlier, this Ekadashi typically occurs during the Krishna Paksha of the Hindu calendar’s Jyeshtha month. According to the Gregorian calendar, it falls in May and June. The dates for Apara Ekadashi 2024 are provided below.

Apara Ekadashi Vrat: Sunday, June 2, 2024

Ekadashi Begins: June 02, 2024, at 05:06 AM

Ekadashi Ends: June 03, 2024, at 02:43 AM

Apara Ekadashi Parana Muhurta: From 08:08 AM to 08:09 AM on June 03, 2024

Duration: 0 hours 1 minute

Time of Hari Vasara Conclusion: June 03, 2024, at 08:08 AM

Formation Of Auspicious Yoga

This time, highly auspicious yogas are aligning on Apara Ekadashi. Indeed, this year, Preeti Yoga and Ayushman Yoga will align on Apara Ekadashi. In astrology, Preet Yoga is deemed very fruitful and auspicious. It is highly valued for commencing any auspicious or beneficial endeavor. Initiating a new task, project, or house entry during Preeti Yoga is considered auspicious. This yoga contributes to a happy and prosperous married life.

On the other hand, Ayushman yoga is also regarded as highly auspicious. Activities undertaken during this Yoga yield favorable results over an extended period. Due to their enduring positive influence, they are termed Ayushman Yoga.

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The Significance Of Apara Ekadashi 2024

According to the Vishnu Purana, Apara Ekadashi is considered the most superior among all Ekadashi fasts. Observing a fast on this day can absolve one from sins such as killing a Brahmin, becoming a ghost, falsehood, slander, and others. Furthermore, observing the fast of this Ekadashi can also liberate one from dreadful sins like using abusive language, falsely interpreting or teaching the Vedas, creating false scriptures, and falling into astrological misconceptions. 

Scriptures also mention that observing the fast of Apara Ekadashi leads to the attainment of endless merits. Additionally, it relieves various illnesses, faults, and financial problems. Worshiping Lord Sri Hari on this special day leads to the attainment of the divine abode, Vaikuntha Dham.

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Apara Ekadashi 2024: Puja Vidhi

  • On the day of Apara Ekadashi, rise during the Brahma Muhurta, before sunrise, and tidy up the house. After bathing with pure water, dress in clean yellow clothes and take a vow for the fast.
  • Then, place the idols of Lord Vishnu’s Vamana Avatar and Balarama in the household temple. Light a lamp in front of them.
  • Next, offer akshat (unbroken rice), flowers, mango fruits, coconut, and dry fruits to the idol of Lord Vishnu.
  • Remember to include Tulsi leaves while worshiping Vishnu.
  • Afterward, burn incense and perform the Aarti of Lord Hari Vishnu. Recite the story (Katha). It’s crucial to read the Ekadashi story on this day as it’s believed that the worship is complete with reading the Ekadashi Katha.
  • Then, offer water to the Sun God.
  • In the evening, illuminate a lamp of pure ghee near the Tulsi plant.
  • Remember not to sleep during the night of Ekadashi. On this day, engage in continuous devotional activities.
  • The following day, during the Parana time, generously feed Brahmins and the needy and bid farewell by offering donations.
  • Finally, prepare a meal without onions and garlic, partake in it, and conclude the fast.

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Do Not Perform These Activities On Apara Ekadashi 2024

  • While observing the fast of Ekadashi, there are several mistakes that we and you often make, which should always be avoided. Let’s find out about those mistakes.
  • According to Hinduism, one should avoid consuming rice on the day of Ekadashi. It is believed that eating rice on Ekadashi leads to a life of suffering in the next birth.
  • One should also refrain from getting angry at Ekadashi, as it is believed that anger displeases Lord Vishnu, resulting in decreased happiness and prosperity in the household. It is advisable to avoid speaking harsh words to anyone on this day.
  • On Ekadashi, practitioners should adhere to the rule of celibacy. They should not entertain physical relationships or impure thoughts.
  • Consumption of meat, alcohol, and tobacco should also be avoided on Ekadashi.
  • One should refrain from wearing black or white clothes on Ekadashi. Wearing clothes of these colors during the Ekadashi fast is considered inauspicious. Instead, wear yellow garments as this color is highly favored by Lord Vishnu and brings auspiciousness.

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Read The Story Of Apara Ekadashi 2024

According to mythological legend, there was a king named Mahidhwaj who ruled a kingdom and was known for his compassionate nature. However, his younger brother Vajradhwaj had a contrasting disposition. He harbored deep hatred towards his brother and disliked his behavior. He constantly harbored the desire to kill his brother and take over the kingdom. One day, he got the opportunity and murdered his brother, burying him beneath a peepal tree. Due to untimely death, the king’s soul began to wander, tormenting every passerby near the tree. By chance, one day a sage happened to pass by the same route, encountering the wandering soul.

The sage asked the soul the reason behind not attaining salvation yet. The soul narrated the entire story of betrayal and deceit it had experienced. Subsequently, using his powers, the sage liberated the soul. For the king’s liberation, the sage observed the fast of Apara Ekadashi meticulously, and with its merit, the king’s soul was freed from the realm of ghosts. The merit obtained from observing the fast of Ekadashi was dedicated to the king’s soul. The impact of observing this Ekadashi fast led to the liberation of the king’s soul from the ghostly realm, freeing it entirely. After this incident, the significance of the fast of Apara Ekadashi increased further.

According to Hindu beliefs and mythological stories, it is believed that Lord Krishna first revealed the significance of this Ekadashi to King Yudhishthira. According to the scriptures, a practitioner who observes this Ekadashi fast and ritualistically follows it is completely liberated from past and present sins and walks on the path of positivity in life. It is also believed that a person who devoutly observes this Ekadashi fast can transcend the cycle of rebirth and death and attain salvation.

Remedies To Perform On Apara Ekadashi 2024

On Apara Ekadashi 2024, performing the worship rituals of Lord Vishnu’s Vamana Avatar according to the prescribed methods grants the practitioner liberation from all sins. Additionally, by adhering to specific remedies on this day, all tasks of an individual begin to materialize.

For Debt Relief

On Apara Ekadashi 2024, one should offer water to the Peepal tree. It is believed that the peepal tree is the dwelling place of all deities. Along with this, a lamp fueled by clarified butter should be lit. This invites special blessings from all the gods. Along with prosperity, individuals also find relief from debts and loans.

For Positive Energy

On Apara Ekadashi, one should light a ghee lamp outside the main door of the house. This act is considered highly auspicious and ensures the special grace of both Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. Additionally, it brings positive energy into the home.

For Wealth And Prosperity

During the worship of Lord Vishnu on Apara Ekadashi, chant the mantra “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” (ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय) at least 108 times. This practice can help alleviate financial problems and ensure that you never face a shortage of wealth and prosperity.

For A Happy Family Life

On Apara Ekadashi, perform an abhishek (ritualistic bathing) of Lord Vishnu’s idol with water from a conch shell. This pleases Lord Vishnu, who then blesses you with good fortune. Additionally, it brings joy to your family life.

For The Health Of Children

On Apara Ekadashi 2024, offer kheer to Lord Vishnu, and remember to add a Tulsi leaf to it. Lord Vishnu holds the Tulsi plant dear, and worshiping Him without offering Tulsi is considered incomplete. Doing this ensures the well-being of you and your children.

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To Get Rid Of Sorrows

On Ekadashi, donate clothing, grains, sweets, etc., to someone in need or to a poor person. This act can provide relief from life’s challenges and alleviate sorrow.

For Academic Success

On Apara Ekadashi, offer yellow flowers, jaggery, and chickpeas to Lord Vishnu. This ritual aids students in achieving academic excellence and success.

To Receive Lord Vishnu’s Blessings

On Apara Ekadashi 2024, plant an amla tree in the northern direction of the house. According to the Padma Purana, Lord Shiva informed his son Kartikeya that the amla tree represents Lord Vishnu himself. Therefore, it’s advisable to plant an amla tree on every Ekadashi. This action pleases Lord Vishnu, the sustainer of the universe, who always bestows his blessings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1. What not to eat in Apara Ekadashi?

Ans. No food containing any grains or tamasic ingredients such as onion or garlic is allowed.

Ques2. Can we drink water on apara ekadashi?

Ans. Under the circumstances where the person is sick, old, or not able to do the fast they can drink water.

Ques3. What is the benefit of fasting on Apara Ekadasi?

Ans. Observing a fast on Apara Ekadashi helps in gaining name and fame, and also helps in all sins being obliterated by the grace of the Lord Vishnu.

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