Mars-Sun Conjunction Forms Aditya Mangal Yoga; 3 Zodiacs Will Get Wealth!

Mars-Sun Conjunction Forms Aditya Mangal Yoga; 3 Zodiacs Will Get Wealth!

In this special astrosage blog, we will be talking about the formation of Aditya Mangal Yoga, which will take place a few days before it turns 2024. This happens due to the conjunction of the Sun and Mars. Along with this, you will get to know which zodiac signs will benefit from this Yoga. So without further ado , let’s begin reading the article to know more about this phenomenon and learn which signs will reap special benefits. 

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2024 is about to begin and just a few days before that many of the planets will be aligning to favor us. Many planets will  enter their exalted signs and own signs and many planets will form conjunctions. According to vedic astrology, transits of these planets will affect every person positively and negatively which means while some people will earn profits others will face losses. In the beginning of  2024 Mars and Sun will form conjunction and this will create an auspicious yoga. This yoga is called Aditya Mangala Yoga. This yoga’s effect will be seen on all 12 signs but there are three such signs which will get auspicious results during this period. Let’s read on and find out which signs these will be. But before that let’s have a quick glance at how this yoga is formed. 

How Is Aditya Mangal Yoga Formed? 

Aditya Mangal Yoga is formed with the conjunction of Sun who is the lord of all planets and the planet responsible for soul, and Mars who is responsible for energy, brother, land, strength, courage, valor, and bravery. This yoga is considered very auspicious. Whenever this yoga is formed in any person’s horoscope, that person attains wealth, and happiness in his/her life. At the same time he/she also gets rid of his problems. 

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Aditya Mangal Yoga Will Be Auspicious For 3 Zodiacs


For Aries natives, Aditya Mangal Yoga will be formed in the ninth house. This yoga will prove to be very auspicious for you. If you are in search of a job, or if you are planning to change your current job, then this yoga will bring many opportunities. You will get good job offers. This duration will favor your luck.If you are planning to build your own start-up,then this duration will be good for that and your business will grow. This period will be good for your love life too. If you are in a relationship, then you will take it forward and get married to your partner. You will be supported by your family. During this period, all your plans will be successful and you will hear some good news.

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For Leo natives, Aditya Mangal Yoga will be formed in their fifth house. As a result of which you will succeed in your workplace. During this period you will get new opportunities regardless of the kind of work you’re doing. You must work hard for whatever you wish to do because you will be successful during this period. You will gain wealth. You will receive good news from your child. You might go on an adventurous trip. This period will be good for broadening your learning experience and you will receive support from your parents and teachers. You will succeed in every work because luck will favor you. Your marital life will be good too. If you are planning to get married, there are chances that you will. Apart from this, you will also be able to fulfill your materialistic desires. You will get support from your siblings and friends. During this period, there are chances of growing in your business.

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Sagittarius natives will receive good profits during the Aditya Mangal Yoga as it will be very auspicious for them. This Rajayoga will be formed in your Lagna House as a result of which your courage and self confidence will increase. Along with that you will also see a lot of good things coming your way. Job holders will be in a favorable position during this period. You will see a lot of changes at your workplace in this period. If you wish to change your job or transfer to a new place, then this would be a good time to do that. There are chances of promotion and increase in salary at this time. You will be able to establish yourself at the workplace and in society. People will value your words. You might have to travel far for work and this trip would be satisfying for you. Due to opportunities in your business, you will feel confident in doing your business but excessive workload can affect your overall health. Considering this, it is advised that you take good care of your health and include yoga and exercise in your daily schedule.

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